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1. How do cells acquire their unique identity and function?

All cells in our body have the same genome. Differential gene expression determines the unique fate and function of cells. Gene expression can be regulated at various levels, from transcription to translation to post-translational modifications. Our primary focus lies in transcriptional regulation, a highly complicated process involving numerous factors. Specifically, we study how transcription activation is epigenetically regulated. Important questions include: 1) how do transcription factors and the basal transcription machinery communicate in time and space to ensure accurate and timely transcription activation? and 2) how do gene regulatory elements work together to facilitate transcription activation? The ultimate goal of our study is to unravel the molecular mechanisms by which cells turn on transcription of a new set of genes required for adapting to changes in their niches to maintain cellular homeostasis.

2. How do abnormal cells arise from normal cells?

Epigenetic dysregulation of transcription can lead to diseases such as cancer, autoimmune disease, mental disorders, and metabolic disorders. Our study focuses on uncovering the molecular mechanisms underlying transcriptional dysregulation, which drives the transformation of normal cells into abnormal cells. The ultimate goal is to identify therapeutic interventions that rewire the transcriptional program back to its normal state, restoring the normal cellular identity. 

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Current Projects: 

1) What is the real behavior of transcription factors and the basal transcription machinery during transcription activation?

2) How do enhancer and promoter communicate in space for accurate and timely transcription?

3) Can we engineer abnormal cells back to normal by modulating gene regulatory elements? 

Click the video! 

Single-molecule fluorescence imaging that captures the simultaneous arrival of RNA polymerase II (green) and TFIIF (red) to the same DNA molecule

Tools and Systems:

We are utilizing multidisciplinary approaches and various model organisms to investigate complicated cellular process of epigenetic regulation of transcription activation.  

1) Single-molecule fluorescence imaging 

2) Genomics 

3) Computational analysis 

4) Yeast, mouse, and human samples 

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